Cerrado Mineiro Coffee
We cultivate the Coffee of the Cerrado Mineiro a region that the altitude of the region varies between 850 and 1,300 meters. Factor that together with the perfect definition of climatic seasons, in which there is a hot and humid summer, and mild and dry winter, becomes a unique and essential condition for the production of excellent coffees, constituting the great trump of the Cerrado. The cultivated variety is Arabica, offers coffee flavor of the Cerrado with basic characteristics of drink:
Intense aroma with aromatic notes between caramel and nuts;
Delicate citrus acidity, which is the same as orange;
Full-bodied drink with chocolate finish and long lasting.
Planalto Coffee - Bacia do Rio Pardo Minas/Bahia
Coffee with a velvety body, striking acidity, moderate sweetness, very balanced fruity taste. It presents notes of red fruits, an exotic characteristic originating from the climatic conditions of the South of Bahia.

Transparent and Traceable Origination
We are farmers ourselves, we originate and track specialty coffee directly from our partner farmers.
SCAA Quality Control
Vigilant and rigorous quality control throughout the delivery channel.
On Demand Spot Availability
Deliverable in quantities from bags to whole containers from our warehouses in Amsterdam.